Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hard out here for a spider

Hard work pays off, a thought that is deeply rooted in the mind of a spider. As he rose for his overtime shift, Levi began to think of his past night. He managed to construct one of the worlds most beautiful web. It's symmetry was beyond asymmetric and had an amazing shine coming off of its surface. Nearby, the lady spiders were infatuated with his masterpiece. The men were men, intoxicated with jealousy. Gravity took a break as he dived from end to end. Without gravity, the jealous men seemed to float with envious thoughts of destroying Levi's web. A whistle blows announcing that it was lunchtime. Lunchtime consists of motionless prey watching with a hint of execution. Silence graces the work floor as a group of fruit flies hovers above their location. Levi has set his sight on this one particular fly. He's muscular with wings the size of a petal on a rose. The fly continues to hover in a circular motion which gives Levi the opportunity to break down the fly's next couple of moves. Patience is the key and Levi is demonstrating this with valor. The time is now; Levi leaps for the fly and manages to lock his legs around his body. Hanging from the web, Levi sinks his fangs into the fly to paralyze it. Slowly Levi pulls himself and the fly back up onto the web and begins to bundle the fly up along the web. A second whistle blows announcing the end of lunch. As everyone starts back working on their web, they notice that Levi has a huge bundle placed upon his web. Everyone is ecstatic except, but of course, the men. The men gathered to discuss a way of removing the bundle so that Levi would become embarrassed in the million eyes of the women. The plan was intact and the men were ready to execute. The workers finished out their shifts and everyone clocked out and left to seek shelter for the day. The men had their opportunity to snatch the bundle and leave Levi in an embarrassed state. They rushed the web and started to remove the web from around the giant fruit fly. While all of the spiders were concentrating on the web, one of them noticed a giant shadow. The shadow got nearer and nearer and in the next instance the shadow moves through the web destroying its beautiful shape and the spiders on it. Levi blinked his eyes to help forget about that past night and began to head to work. As he got closer to the job site he noticed that spiders were standing around his location. Once he was near he realized that there wasn't anything there anymore. His beautiful web was destroyed and his bundle was nowhere to be found. All of that hard work for nothing continues to sting in his mind. He approaches a night watch-spider and asks what happened. The spider replies by saying that a creature came and destroyed the web and a group of his fellow workers, all men.

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