Saturday, June 23, 2012

Flawed Perfection

 Believing in something is okay but not believing in something makes you an outcast or an alien. People tend to forget that it all began on a belief. Creation of a perfect being gone wrong is my interpretation of the event. Gone wrong may not be the best words to use but flaws before perfection is. Every person has a flaw or two or maybe even more than that but believing in your flaw is actually an act of perfecting. Think of it like this, no one likes to accept their flaw/s because accepting one could result in revealing a weakness. We truly believe that accepting a flaw is a weakness! "Belief gone wrong," so why not believe in nothing and become an outcast? Alienation is self inflicted when an individual doesn't accept their flaw, which makes it  impossible to believe. Anything is possible, right? This takes us back to the beginning of this post; believe in something or hover off to outer space and join your fellow aliens.

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